Thursday, June 5, 2008

How To Stop Burning Throat From Acid

... Santo Domingo de Guzman Church

The history of the Catholic Church Santo Domingo, begins with the arrival of early settlers, since they were baptized and brought in their hearts the treasure of faith. Founded the town, begin the construction of a chapel.
The task began in 1925 by Mr. Sunday Way and pawns. In the left photo taken in 1937 can appreciate the ancient temple.
Over time, it was too small and it required the construction of another right to the number of faithful attending the liturgical worship. Expansion began in 1937, keeping intact the original construction in the new. In the photo at right shows the temple today.
Currently, approximately 60% of the population is Catholic, the other party owned 30% of the Evangelical Church of the Rio de la Plata, and 10% vision.


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