Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Slr Camera With 600 G

Clicking on the icons you get more information on lakes and canals of Cáceres in Peru. You can view it in full page .

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Jimbe high Andean lagoons are over 15. All are located above 4300 meters. Three systems are clearly defined: 1) System Cátac Huiru channel formed by the gaps Hatun flee, Tocanca, Cappadocia and Coñocranra, 2) Huampucayán system consists of three lagoons, 3) Kill System, consisting of Mamancocha, Quepancocha Chopincocha and, in this system is located Mellizococha, Pintadacocha, Carhuacocha and Tsaquicocha.

Coñocranra . It is the western lagoon Huiru Cátac Canal system. Is located more than 4300 meters. Is about, 120x350 m. In the lagoon remains a reservoir preinca Coñocranra, built with large rocks. Used as a mud mortar with appropriate physical properties to provide waterproofing and flexibility to the structure, and resistance to extreme temperatures, like joints of latex. This one channel reservoir about 60 cm high by 80 cm wide, which is attached to the channel Cátac Huiru. In its waters grow green and brown algae, and the Cushuro (algae ovoid shaped by a gel-coated by a membrane, are edible.) The maximum depth is 3 meters. The population of trout, rainbow variety, does not exceed 20 cm, given the scarcity of nutrients, so when the outlet flow increases, leaving the lagoon and down the river Carhuamarca to levels close to the city of Jimbe; here gain more weight and size, providing seasonal fishing fans. In the surroundings you can spot deer in the wild. The gaps in this area are part of the territory of the Community of Carhuamarca. Gelding

. Located at 4400 meters above the lake level Coñocranra be found at the roadside maintenance of hydroelectric power plants, is about 100 x 300 m.

Tocanca . Located some 500 m of Cappadocia, and 80 m high, is very close Tocanca Pass (4665), the highest point of the road, before moving to the Callejon de Huaylas.

flee. (Tuna blah) is the larger lake district (1000 x 400 m). In 1998, a project for damming promoted by the Board Nepeña users. In 2007, in the Ancash Regional Participatory Budget, included an integrated project including gaps flee, Tocanca, Cappadocia and Coñocranra, joined by a collector channel (channel simile preinca Huiru Cátac). Your drain holes out to the ravine Carhuamarca, which at this level is called Tocanca river. The area where the rivers converge Tocanca, flee and Coñocranra Tinco called, which in Quechua means "union of rivers." This area is a plateau with pastures, ideal for raising llamas. Indeed, the Commonwealth of Carhuamarca held one time a herd of 300 alpacas, there are very few of those today. Ichiko

flee. Of this gap is born longest canal district, 14 km, which irrigates the fields of Taullishpampa. This channel has been built with community work. Two lagoons

more Soccos and Mata-mata are located at lower altitude on the Cerro Torre.

Huampucayán . Its waters are used by communities Pears and many, located immediately in the course of the river which rises in the gap. While this gap receives tributaries from other 3 or 4 small lakes located at a level higher than that. The lake has recently been dammed Huampucayán by these communities, thanks to a draft Foncodes and community management.

Kill System

Mamancocha . It is the larger lagoon system gaps kill, with 800x300 m. Mamancocha means "lake mother. "Farmers in the area have built a dam 12 m high. A project of the district municipality provides weatherproof synthetic membrane. In 2007 the immediate users of the waters of this lake rose in turn to make repairs, strengthening your retaining wall. Inside the lake behind the dam peinca original, which is visible in the months of November and December, when the waters fall to its lowest level. As with other high Andean lagoons, serves as a step etre for migratory birds, most notably a white body and red wings, colors like those of the Peruvian flag. The small population of trout attracts anyway to local fishermen, given the scarcity of nutrients the maximum size of individuals is 20 cm.

Quepancocha . Means "back gap", but actually is the first of three lakes, which are distributed along this canyon altoandino. Its wall has been built by the inhabitants of the adjacent hamlets Huashcayán, Cochapetí, Tara, and Ching COLCAP.

Chopincocha . Means "lake of the way", is an artificial wall.

Pintadaccha . It owes its name to the waters change color depending on time of day that you observe.

Mellizococha . Two mirrors are linked by a tunnel within the rock, hence its name "twin lakes".

Carhuacocha . It is a small dam located at 4200 m 20x50 m above the land of the Commonwealth of Aliso "Very. Its dike is 2.5 m in height and pre-Inca construction.

Tsaquicocha . Currently there are in this place a great plain, the result of the clogging of an ancient lake. Hence its name in Quechua-cocha tsaqui "or laguna seca. Men mine exploded nearby as Juana Rosa plans to use the landing field. A remnant of the lake, with a mirror 30 m in diameter, is located a few hundred meters from the higher plain. Channel

Huiru Cátac . Part of the lagoon system is the high Andean Cátac Huiru Channel. This channel represents a formidable stone work of the ancient inhabitants jimbeños. Was designed to move water westward toward Lacramarca Valley. Is ignored if it came to work, further studies will give birth to the respective owner. The channel was born, apparently in the lagoon would flee, and received tax waters Tocanca gaps and Cappadocia. Andean terrain runs through 35 km to Mount Corona, Aguaquita near where it could be drained to the gully by Tiny and continue their journey towards coastal areas. But, most likely about his aims had been built to feed the rich land on Lampanín scratch and relying on reservoirs along the route. The line of the channel is visible to the naked eye. Special mention a stretch of 60 m on the hill Huiru Cátac, which has built a wall about five feet, with stone slate on the wall passes the canal, with the evident purpose of maintaining the current level. When in 1964 he built the road hidroléctrica network maintenance, this wall was cut by machine to pass the road, that injury is visible archaeological visitor as a faithful witness to the strength of our ancestors. A few meters around there is also another section where the channel passes over a mjuro. In the 70's, an engineer named Villafana studied, wrote a book and compiled footage promoting a water project that could exploit the online channel.

Creating new ponds

There are several streams suitable for the creation of new high Andean lagoons. Obviously if we did not know the current dam, how presume to open up. But the water scarcity that lies ahead, gives us the certainty that very soon something big will happen up there, where they collect the water that provide life to the underlying valleys. When the visitor passes through those quiet places, he immediately assailed the idea of \u200b\u200ba new dam there. The streams that the author of this blog has visited and which are apparent to create new gaps are as follows (see map):
Cushuro . This stream is located 800 m from the lagoon Tocanca, the roadside maintenance of power lines. If you build a rustic dam 4 m in height could be achieved by a reflecting pool of 80 x 350 m, in excess of 100 000 m3. Kill
. At the same creek in which there are three artificial lakes and may be new reservoirs, but smaller. There are at least two spaces available for creating new mirrors approx 60 x 100 m. The three existing lagoons make up the system Kill. We believe that the same strength of the first builders will enable the creation of new mirrors. In fact, the beneficiary communities, stationed in the areas underlying the lagoons, have been making improvement works in recent times. It's amazing the adversity they have faced (and have not been there to document it!): They have had to transport sand and cement on a donkey at a great distance and uphill through a rough road, then have had to perform their tasks by manipulating water and ice in the open field without protective gear, then had to spend the night on a hard bed for the freezing nights of the highlands, and on top of adversity, without government support, hamstrung by their own bureaucratic requirements (but that can be expanded in a separate topic.) This feat is only possible thanks to the community spirit of the people of the area.
Carhuacocha . This creek is located between the two peaks known as Flerypunta. There are a couple of small lakes to name yet unspecified (by the author of this paper ahem). For convenience, we apply here the generic name for the area, as contained in the Charter National Geographic, Carhuacocha (not to be confused with the lake of the same name mentioned lines above.) Well, here no room for major reservoirs. [A site visit is pending, or better if someone comes forward and we can transcribe your report].
Huampucayán . The largest gap at the bottom of a lagoon system, similar to the kill (only in reverse, as in killing larger gap is at higher altitude than the other). In this area, Huampucayán, there are several lagoons tax. The idea is to make dams to increase their mirrors, and put small tubs everywhere to collect rainwater. Ichiko
flee. Of similar shape and potential of Huampucayán.
. Write

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Car Leasing Special Offer

Canto a Jimbe

A Jimbe

Words and Music: Edmundo Paz , Stick-Jimbe, 2002
Agreement and Interpretation: Tommy Rodriguez, Trujillo,

Since December 2007 Sardo summit in Anguy
Looking Today your four
his salute you.

All sides are lavish and beautiful,
As deep as the desire

And I can imagine, up, your shortcomings,
Spilling down in torrents
Let your people sing
way to work.

And that monitors silent Huaypapashillun
De Captuy to Coñocranra, Cosma
De Naranjo,
All your peoples

Jimbe who sees you! Cáceres in Peru.
Jimbe, who went know what you are.
/ / Though far away you go
Up hill, streets or beaches,
always, always return / /

Jimbe, shumaq Rikako, Cáceres in Peru.
Jimbe, / / \u200b\u200beguashun / / mushoq wambra kunapaq
Mushoq raprakuna yurinka
Atska pastokanka wakekunapaq
Waíntsiq shumaq rikakunka

Jimbe Well you look! Cáceres in Peru;
Jimbe Forever more! For your new youth
/ / Tree will be in your hills,
Pasto for a thousand bullocks,
Your villas bloom / /

Your villas bloom ...

Jimbe, Jimbo, Cáceres in Peru.

Ode to
Cáceres in Peru Author: Lay Vicente Villavicencio
Interpreter Musical Arrangement: Luis Murillo

Chorus I

Near the sea, kissing the mountains between the rivers
Huang and Lampanín
/ / Yérguese mighty proud a people exalted name
De Cáceres in Peru. / /


From Lampanín
Yahuarpampa and from the first settlers arrived
What attracted its climate and landscape
They endeavored to make it blossom
known is the legend verbal
Birth of the town of Jimbe
That pride of race and tradition
His greatness and his habit we inherited. Stanza II

Since 1800 ochentaiséis
begin to emerge as a district
And in honor of Marshal of the Andes of Peru
Bautizáronte Cáceres.

elapsed year history
friendly people with other cultures
Jimbe Eastern country and sheltered sky dream. Stanza III

The very Andean hamlets
De Jimbe are your favorite children
All together, we value samples
To win silver lamps. Hospital
town of Jimbe
That the stranger reaches out to your beautiful
contemplate waking
The snow capped peaks from the lookout.

(Musical interlude) Chorus II

Oh, Magdalena, Patron of Jimbe!
has blessed your name Jesus
With reverence we bow before you
Give us your love and peace to Peru. Write

Sunday, September 14, 2008

What Does A Star On Palm Mean

Let Tocanca. Adventure Cycling 2009

Cordillera Negra - Peruvian Andes, 5181 meters
January 1927. The trip will be held from 30 April to 7 May, the month of flowers in the Andes. Is a non-competitive event. For details about the preparations for revising the map or contact Ed Pax (vueltadetocanca@hotmail.com).

The objectives of non-competitive bicycle tour "Tour of Tocanca"
* Strengthen public attention to the Andean Corridor project.
* Propose to the tourism sector collective a new route and new destinations.
* Evaluate initial criteria for the organization of an extreme sports competition, called "Return of Tocanca 2012."
* Raise interest documentary information (video, audio, photos and waypoints) and dissemination.
* Encourage growing sport in the local youth.

The adventure is through the mountain bike, cross Tocanca Pass (4665 m), visiting 13 districts in 2 provinces of the Ancash Region. And, in an intermediate time, make the climb the highest mountain in the Andes, the Coñocranra (5181 m). Then down the Callejon de Huaylas and cross the Canyon del Pato impressive, with vertical walls 12 m apart and that rise over 300 m high. It will travel over 300 miles and will cross all ecological zones from the seashore to the snowy Coñocranra.

Full path of the "Return of Tocanca" described every day. The map can zoom in or out, you can move left / right / up / down, and you can toggle the view of place names for visibility. View further

be an extreme event, but just go to step walk. Participate in the Tour six people, not necessarily young, not necessarily strong. In the ascent on foot to the top ten people involved. That incorporate up to last moment, you are welcome, but better coordinate before. Contact: vueltadetocanca@hotmail.com .

Participate in a range of these activities:

1. Mountaineering
On Saturday May 2, 2009, will make the ascent to the highest peak in the Cordillera Negra, the Coñocranra, 5181 m. Mount Coñocranra be seen from the coast, especially from the toll booth and from Huambacho Vesique, San Jacinto and Nepeña, but from Chimbote also sees him in days especially clear. Is distinguished by the reflection of snow. From the top of this peak provides the stunning Andean scenery and diverse in the 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees around, d ela follows: West, we are surprised the profile of the coast and the curvature of horizon. To the east, the Cordillera Blanca in its entirety. Standing in the natural setting stage from which to admire the highest peaks of Peru, especially Huascaran (6768 m.), Santa Cruz, champagne, Huandoy, and even the Yerupajá. Between the two mountain ranges, draw up the river Santa, who gives life to the Callejon de Huaylas and then makes a deep cut to the Cordillera Negra, giving rise to the Canyon del Pato, to finally address the Peruvian sea.
To participate in this promotion you must get to the lake the day before, to go out the next night. A ride pass will come in 4 hours at most. The locals can do it in hours. We chose a full moon because there are those who made the way to the lake on foot from Carhuamarca and scratch (and that still need to coordinate with those of Recuaybamba). If you are motivated to participate requested the instruction, with stalls, equipment and supplies you need to prepare.

2. Mountainbiking
Thursday, April 30, 7 am. Tour rider Cordillera Tocanca's return, "4665 m. Path joining the following points: Jimbe - Anguy (Rayan) - Coñocranra (Tocanca) - Santo Toribio - Huaylas - Mato - Huallanca - Yuracmarca - Chuquicara - vinz - Rinconada - Santa - Coishco - Chimbote - Jimbe. Cross over three hundred miles in seven days, between the sea and the mountains (see map).

The route: FIRST DAY, Thursday, April 30: Departure from Jimbe, ascending Nepeña River Basin to the village of Rayan, where we overnight. SECOND DAY, Friday May 1: From Coñocranra Rayan to the lake. THIRD DAY, Saturday, May 2, 4 am: Intermediate. Climb to the top of Coñocranra. FOURTH DAY, Sunday, May 3. We pedaled uphill to the farthest point and high Nepeña River basin, crossing the Tocanca Pass, 4665 m. Paperback follow the road keeping power lines. So begins the descent to the Callejon de Huaylas territory of Santo Toribio , Is lowered by an elevator as a dramatic yet always with the Cordillera Blanca in front of us. Overnight in Huaylas, where it gets to repair bicycles. Fifth Day, Monday 4: Be part of the city of Mato, dode we stop for a guided tour through the Callejon de Huaylas in mobility own to Huaraz. Overnight or Caraz Mato. SIXTH DAY, Tuesday, May 5: Santa will accompany the river for two days until it reaches the Peruvian sea. This day pass through the Callejon de Huaylas, the impressive Pato Canyon (wonderful, including its 46 tunnels and the gravel road) and people Yuracmarca up Chuquicara, spend the night. SEVENTH DAY Wednesday, May 6: From Chuquicara the road is paved the way outlined in the light of the intakes of Chinecas and Chavimochic. Go past the towns of Vinz, Rinconada, Santa, Coishco and finally arrived at Chimbote. EIGHTH DAY, Thursday, May 7: We went to Jimbo, arrival. (The Google map is more detailed, clicking on the blue markers).

Background: In 2006 we had a very stimulating experience: 11 boys covered Jimbe-Chimbote route in 6 hours. In 2007, Feast 3 riders came Chimbote, also in 6 hours. In September 2007, with three boys in the promotion of 88 050 IE of Jimbe, we slice Rayan-Chimbote, crossing the Cordillera Negra. This section is equivalent to 3 / 4 of the trip that we do now.

Thanks to: Carlos Pizarro Manrique for the donation of a tent for 4 people and a sleeping mountain Chauca Arecio Carranza for providing a GPS useful tool for getting data in altitude and coordinates of the places visited. If you want to know other ways to contribute in this adventure, please email .

To register or request more information, click on the word "comments" below in the next paragraph, and leave your email address in the dialog box that appears. Choose "Name / URL". Or, write to us Edmundo Paz: vueltadetocanca@hotmail.com. Welcome to the adventure.
. Write

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Keep Cat From Shitting In Pot

Jimbe when

In the western foothills of the Cordillera Negra Cáceres district of Peru, Jimbe capital, has many places to take a respite from the rush of modernity. Its varied terrain is home to intense adventure routes out of the tedium of routine.
Air, sun, farm, river and mountain.
You can visit with family or corporate groups.

And this is a video of the Feast 2007.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Whats The Strongestsubwoofer To Buy

enjoys solitude interesting links about Jimbe

Last updated: 10/03/2009
Digging through the web, we found these interesting links about Jimbe (click on highlighted text):
* Jimbe on wikipedia (useful for students and attractive to those who are away from their land). This section of the encyclopedia can be edited by any visitor with community spirit.
* A collection of 160 photos district of Peru Cáceres. Click on the photos to enlarge. You can filter them by tags (history, villages, mountains black). * Real name
Cáceres in Peru.
* A recent report on the high Andean lagoons of Jimbe and Pamparomás.
* Click here for the report to CEASE about works planned by the Municipality for the year 2008 (note that this page is heavy and slow to load). And here to see the City projects being processed in the SNIP . (There are 3 pages, and can be exported to Excel file.)
* An interesting summary about Andean Corridor project. Something more of the same on the official website of the Municipality of Mato .
* By the way we see how the Municipality of Santo Toribio , neighboring district, has a much visited website. Huata also the . When you open The Official Website of the Municipality of Jimbe http://www.municaceresdelperu.gob.pe/ be called, that is, based on the rules on domain names of public bodies. * Info
Ministry of Energy and Mines on the electrification of the remaining farmhouses ( NATIONAL RURAL ELECTRIFICATION 2006 to 2015, DEP WORK: RURAL ELECTRIC SYSTEMS ).
* Related to the same topic above, you can review the Antamina report about IFAD Programme, which include the contribution made to the earlier stages of rural electrification in Jimbaran. And, because we mean it could be that Antamina Ancash the mineral resources have for 15 to 20 years. * A video
Folcklore in Jimbe (Then I will put more). La Banda Santa María Magdalena , pride jimbeños has posted several videos on the web. Sign in to see a Macracancha party, or anniversary Joy Radio. Here's another video . Going into these links you will find many more videos.
* Here a blog of a 20-year jimbeñita. It is now being tested (as yoni), but you can send greetings. Pass the word if you have a blog, to link it here.
* To see how much enthusiasm can cause a visit to our land , comes this video of architecture students at USP. Or the photos of these adventurers . And some references Jimbe a website Chimbote.
* On June 3, 2009 it officially began paving the road Motocache-Jimbe.

* Notable persons related Jimbe:
- Los Pasteles Verdes played in Jimbe in its infancy, 1974. Aldo Guibovich (family of Guibovich Mile), the vocalist, whose voice launched them to fame, was born in Jimbaran. Recently he testifies in the song Fernando Arias Chimbote, in the verse "I am jimbeño all honor." His nickname is Lunazul21 .
- Here began national writer laureate, Oscar Colchado Lucio. In some of his works jimbeños places mentioned. For example in this chapter "Cordillera Negra" . Here in Jimbe found great support in the then director of NEC 85, Jimbe, Professor Wilfredo Gambini Escudero, in the edition of an educational journal, acting as community promoters. At the time he did his practice teaching in Jimbaran, wrote and published "Tarde de toros", 1974.
- Also at that time, just until before earthquake of 1970, studied at the National Agricultural Board, INAM 106, young Alexander Lighting. He then played by Alfonso Ugarte. In 1971 and was part of the glorious cast of Jose Galvez who managed first entry to first division football Peru. Later became part of the se-lected was nacionaly maximum scorer in 1976 playing for the Union Huaral. The jimbeños who played football with him on the field of land (now the Family Park) are still alive. Each year, during the Feast, a visit from the land of his youth, showing a deep affection for it.
- La belleza jimbeña estuvo presente en el certamen Miss Universo en Las Vegas, USA 1996. La Miss Perú quien nos representó ese año fue nada menos que Natali Sacco Ángeles , nieta de doña Olinda Romero de Angeles y Luis Angeles que fue director de la escuela en Jimbe. Ella suele pasar sus vacaciones en nuestra tierra (es sobrina de don Orlando Romero Matos).
En atención al hecho de que la lista de jimbeños notables es en realidad extensa, anunciamos la apertura de una nueva entrada en este blog. Entretanto vaya usted enviándonos referencias de sus amigos y familiares para incluirlas.
Veamos al conjunto folklórico de Peras:

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Yeast Infection On Clitoris

Jimbe , the district capital of Peru Cáceres, Ancash, with its nearly 40 villages, has great tourism potential. The tourism resources district, in order of priority are:

1. Healthy climate . Jimbe have clean air, making it suitable for visiting families. A 1200 meters away from sources of pollution, the rural environment (in fields, streams and hills) makes apparent destination for family recreation.

2. varied landscape. Everywhere the vast territory of the district offers wide panoramas. Its relief rises from the lower valleys to the deep valleys of the highlands, to finish in the highlands above 4000 m, with high Andean lakes and ridges of snow temporary black mountain (about 4500 m).

3. Area wild rivers, mountains, lakes, mountains, and suitable for adventure tourism and extreme sports. The dry forest, between 1800 and 3200 m, is suitable for adventure.

4. Archaeology . Major settlements in the holy culture: Irca Palace, Church Irca, Rocros, Courts, Sajan, Box Rumi, Cátac Huiru channel.

Map Cáceres archaeological sites of Peru. Dale click the icons for details of each site.

View larger map
Could include other tourist attractions in Jimbe? Write

Friday, August 22, 2008

Soap Notes Template For Occupational Therapy

Jimbe tourist resources How to promote tourism to Jimbe?

Jimbe's children often say that our land is a treasure in the rough, from the point of view of tourism.

Jimbe tourist development rests with the following requirements:

1. Implementation communications. It is crucial to paving the road to optimize the access road to the tourist resort. Second order is required directly or radio coverage to areas of recreation.

2. Tourist infrastructure . The construction of hotels and restaurants is the second requirement for the reception of tourists.

3. Civil Defence . It is necessary to implement an adequate system of prevention and response to disasters.

Against this, it takes their children to learn to promote tourism, develop our capabilities in tourism.

Are there other aspects that positively affect Jimbe tourist promotion? Write

Sunday, July 6, 2008

How Much Is Jon Boat Worth


From Sunday July 6, I moved the entire contents of this blog to a new one, with the aim of correcting the address due to a typing error saying "comapartiendoinquietudes" ...

Now copy this address or click here


and forthcoming publications are in the new direction.

Many thanks and apologies for the inconvenience!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Whats Required To Bow Hunt In Missouri

"LOANS" ... His story

"No entertainment is consumed in sterile! Order to design the sets, we open the gate and the pen the furrows of the earth and the mind ... " Gaspar Nunez de Arce

Santo Domingo is located 75 km northwest of Santa Fe capital.
can reach our people by the Provincial Route N º 4 to Km 40 where is the access that links the town.

This path was paved for the first time by a work from 1958 to 1963.

Wettstein and Beutel families, inhabitants of Santo Domingo, have one day some men came to their homes and asked to enter their property to take soil samples.

At that time already knew that soon would begin work paved route 4, which passes very close to their fields, but no one suspected what it was this visit.

For a long time had no news on the results of those analysis were performed.

One evening there were two people with a government order authorizing them to remove the entire amount of "rough" they needed for the compaction of the base of the future route.

At first the owners were upset and made a complaint to the local police, but then realized they could not reverse an order came from "above" and cordially accepted the promise that after completion of the work would no traces or damage to their land.

For the compression of the sealing of the base of the route, then extracted, "coarse" in the fields of Wettstein and Beutel families in our district.

TOSCA Here we call a powder extracted from the earth and is very similar to cement. Water does not penetrate if it is placed and compacted. The improved roads with this material are called "entoscados" they can move normally in the days of rain.

Within days the area was filled with huge machinery in the area were not known and the settlers and attended puebleros happy to see how they worked.

The company responsible is called SAOPIM (SA Industrial and Maritime Works.) Many men of the district joined her as an employee.

In each site where it was extracted from the "rough" were big holes and seams high ground surrounding them. The promise to leave no signs of removal was not met.

owners only take a small amount as rent for the land that was exploited.

neighbors because of this incident, began to give the name "LOAN" into that space as a sink with very high margins, a denomination that is "stuck" and endured. There

native vegetation grew and the rain was responsible for forming small lakes within and around which are reproduced throughout the natural fauna in our area.

Les was the name of "loans" because they are two, divided from each other by a road that gives access to enjoy the scenery.

With the passage of time, became the special attraction for children of owners and residents attend play ...

a center of assembly and mischief ...

A shelter with an air of mystery surrounded by a cordon of "minisierras" in a landscape so wild on the banks of the river Salado ...

It became common to go through it and test bikes the most amazing stunts ...

Demonstrate skills when someone City appeared to take was the highest of tastes ...

In 1973, there was a great flood of the Salado River, the water exceeded the barriers formed by these high ground cords and filled LOANS.
When loosened, and the sun, slowly and with each passing day, was dry land, returned visits of those who anxiously waited to happen.

The more insistent, the young family of owners, they ... that more than anyone I found a very special meaning to that site, were those who were wondering in the crystal clear water and quiet, some animals like alligators.

Frightened ran to tell their parents what they had discovered and returned accompanied by one to check that they actually were alligators, and I not only saw a few, but they found a "nest" filled with small animals newborns .

Rising had deposited a precious gift ... From that time living in that habitat with ducks, capybaras, coots, herons, ...

High cords were covering land bit by bit with the vegetation and to access, leaving only narrow paths that allow, but with problems, reach water's edge.

Today is visited very often by those wishing to enjoy a moment of tranquility and peace with nature, and observe the flora and fauna.

LOANS fence is planned and declare as conservator of flora and fauna.

The last three photos were taken in the days of the date, a landscape of the drought being experienced by several provinces ...

Special thanks to all those who cooperate by bringing stories and photos to enable these publications. Also request that, if you find errors in the data let me know and correct.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Schwinn Srb1800 Manual


"History is not only done some players, it's all the people, men and women of a community who are sowing anonymously ... with their actions ..." Tabor SM

The cooperative was vital for the development of SANTO DOMINGO, District 16,619.21 hectares located in the Department Las Colonias, in the dairy country's largest. By this movement

be able to break the isolation and helplessness of the farmers against the so-called convenience stores, the gatherers and monopolies, which permanently postponing their aspirations for progress.

The three Cooperatives of our people: SANTO DOMINGO AND SARITA LIMITED LIMITED NORTH SANTO DOMINGO, and the third limits, increasing day by day the number of partners and therefore the dairy farmers and liters of milk.

As a natural consequence of solidarity between producers and convinced that it was economically appropriate in the year 1981 saw the merger of three cooperatives are united under the name of the oldest.

Overcoming great difficulties, the entrepreneurial spirit of cooperatively organized field man, not simply confined its action to the local level of its parent. The challenges are increasing and also called for further commitments.

Thus began to emerge the first federations of cooperatives or cooperative unions as they were called initially.

Tambera The first federation was the Cooperative Union Ltd. San Carlos, in the town of Esperanza, the Cooperativa de Santo Domingo surrendered his production.

Ten years after Butter Factory was born "SANCOR" Sunchales Area, also of Santa Fe province, formed by the union of small dairy farmers cooperatives.

In 1982 the Cooperative SANTO DOMINGO AND SARITA LIMITED, convened a meeting of partners and at that meeting, decided to give the production SANCOR.

A number of dairy farmers did not agree with the majority decision and opted for other factories that had emerged at that time, such as SANTA ROSA, MILKAUT, Paulina ...

In the first part of the 90's, Our area experienced the greatest boom in milk production. The number of dairy farms in Santo Domingo was a hundred and thirty-six, ... are now thirty-seven.

The dairy industry has lost competitiveness since 1999. At the time of production typical of the region was less affected, it appeared the new technology model, and did the soy boom.

Small producers were low profitability, were obliged to decide: either continued with a small settlement that ended unprofitable in economic loss, or land rented to others who had more capital earning higher returns. It is clear

what was the choice, they had no alternative except to those who made decisions relying on his strength, and fighting it worked out.

is currently happening, the exodus continues. Who has a chance to tour the field is with a lot of abandoned houses, vacant and surrounded by grasslands, home owners should have left looking for some work to enable them to live decently, or rented and rest in some urban housing.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pilladas Enla Calle Gratis

changes in the early

'm Convinced that in the minds of the people
are the beating of his story ... SMT

At the beginning of the colony, dominant in our area exploitation of agriculture.

As a symbol of the flourishing of the agricultural stage, appear in Santo Domingo the first drive combines steam and acquired by settlers committed in development.
Over these threshers appeared excited at the sight of the peasants, the clean grain as a reward for much effort.

Over time, was giving a gradual transformation, as settlers began to experiment with Tambera activity. This occurred, among other things, for the low price of grain was less encouraging risk taking permanent crops.

After some setbacks in agricultural crops the settlers began to industrialize the milk in a small scale and with its own production.

immigrants, particularly those of European origin, were the first to address milk production as an organized business.

From the third decade of the twentieth century, the inn, was the typical economic development district. The producers delivered milk to the creameries of the place:

• AMADO Cremerie Roston, whose functions were launched between 1927 and 1928.
• Cremerie LA SARITA, which became operational in 1928. • Creamer JOSE
WEBER AND CIA., Which began operations in 1931. The creameries
milk and skimming the cream obtained is the fatty substance, and casein is milk protein rich in phosphorus.

With the development of the dairy producer felt the need to free themselves from intermediaries, and industrialists who had low prices for their milk. Thus was born the cooperatives that pooled small and medium producers, simmering social transformation of rural areas through the unity of a large number of dairy farmers.

Among our district cooperatives, which were thresholds of the agreement and will men with ideals of progress, there were:


The cooperative movement generated a great benefit to the activity dairy farmers, and led to a improvement in the dairy-type cattle.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Microfiber Blanket Causing Static On Bed


increased SALADO Yesterday ... Today ...
Noting the fields, roads, cracked earth so dry, listening ... farmers with complications due to lack of rain ... my mind went back to those days of 2003 in Santa Fe: Santa Fe desolate as a result of growing extraordinary Salado River ...

Yes .. of the river that marks the eastern boundary of the Santo Domingo district, the river that at times becomes a recipient of hundreds of people looking for some freshness near the water, enjoying the peace and nature in hot summers area ... the same river that suddenly becomes the most destructive and threatening bravo ...

A paradox ...

In the terrible catastrophe that was experienced in the city of Santa Fe in 2003, was known through the media, and if anyone wants to know more, search the Internet, within minutes you will have the information you want.

But ... how to live through that time in Santo Domingo and neighboring towns?

I remember that April 27, National Election Day ... the river was swollen, very grown up and still climbing ... It was said that that afternoon the water cut off the only route to the city of Santa Fe, (there are others but and the water had covered before) ...

Children in Santa Fe students, that Sunday was like every weekend at home with parents. The threat

the river, we speed and ask daddy to enable them to get to vote first and take them to careless towards the capital city before the water left us isolated.

The idea was to "protect them" from the isolation in which people would be as advertised, so you do not miss classes. Nobody could imagine that we were sending the worst of places ...

and achieve our objective, they came to Santa Fe ...
Hours later, as expected, all routes were overcome by the force of water.

Two days later we heard that water had entered the city and moved with unexpected speed ... There
called, runs between neighbors, we needed to know ... communications technology helped much ...

Our children-those who were not victims, it suddenly became nurses, cadets, and were moments that were never imagined would happen ...

The Powers to issue stopped attending classes and became home for the homeless, and students in real social workers ...

And we, on the other side ... just waiting ... could get here by boat across several miles. Firefighters met both Prefecture as endless days.

The photos were shown as highways, as people traveled by boat, as milk production moved ...

In the urban part of Santo Domingo was no water, they stretched covering many acres of ...

We could travel hundreds of miles where one could see water around ...

Today ... we go through the same hundreds of miles and is just cracked earth, dry grasses ...

ever will understand that we must stop provoking nature with our destruction??

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Wendy Calio Ice Skate

MERKVA ... (Part II)

Catalina ... A passage between the past that calls ... with her voice that emerges from the shadows of forgotten stories babbling ... and now and here ...

His early days were spent in Buenos Aires Argentina. Through the city, came to the Plaza de Mayo, met the Government House and the Cabildo. They felt the scourge of hot, humid weather that were not used.

Catalina mentioned that caught their attention the subway: "I never imagined that he trains under the earth "...
tells that his father understood what I said in the letters about the problem of language. Immediately had to learn English to communicate without difficulty. A few days

began their march in the train to Rosario, Santa Fe and then from there they left Santo Domingo.

After hours of traveling and admiring the vast field, the guard finally told that, travel as determined by the passage, stopped at the station Pericot. (This is called the train station in Santo Domingo)
remembers that his mom would not go down because the place where they had come was Santo Domingo and the sign said Pericot also Don Esteban was not waiting as they believed it would.

Sirro Lord who was at the station, spoke German and brought clarity to what was happening, also known as Don Merkva and reassured the travelers saying that would be responsible for collecting them.

invited them onto his Ford T and went to the family home where they always harbored Schuck Don Merkva. Catherine and her sister
sought to recognize his father among the people who were doing farm work, unaware that he was working far away. He was in Cavour and his task culminated two days later, then join them. Had been notified by telegram on the arrival of his family to Argentina.

The memory of Catalina is more alive to tell that on the morning of Sunday, heard an insistent horn and ran to the patio.

With great joy they saw Don Esteban

bike ... for a moment stopped his story and his gestures denote nostalgia nostalgia ... unforgettable ... and can not find words to express what has been experienced that morning ...

A From that day ... waiting for a new life, home life, a life of joint efforts ... Don Esteban got work at a creamery in Santo Domingo, and the whole family moved to a cottage.
They adapted quickly to life in this country. The girls attended school where they learned to speak Castilian.

Over time Catalina cultivated many friends. He grew up helping his mother with household chores and then working in family homes.

has made a beautiful family in Argentina. She married Arnold Nagel and from this union were born four children: Herman, Enzo, Julia and Edmund. Recalls

native Yugoslavia, snow and intense cold, never returned ... or visit ...

prefer to keep the memory of your home and everything they left behind. We chose Argentina because it is more comfortable as the weather ...

Today he lives his present ... the mind that carries the bags of memory, so much heroism, love ... ... is the only immigrant who lives today in our town and that the proud ... Take care of your plants

likes so much, enjoy his grandchildren and great grandchildren.

receive friends to share conversation and kill ... and, from time to time, someone to fall tell her and relive their history and in this case ... her goddaughter (writing).

Also every year on the Day of the Immigrant, the visits from schools for various activities and she serves with joy.

A THANK Catalina! for sharing your wonderful story.
A Marita, Lolita, and my Mother, for making possible this publication with your cooperation, THANK YOU!

Visitors to the blog, especially people of my village, I ask you to encourage comment, to express what they think, to suggest, criticize ...
only need to click where it says COMMENTS at the end of the note, and open a special window for writing ... Thank you very much!!


Catalina Madre with his first granddaughter

daughter with her granddaughter Catherine smaller.

On the occasion of commemorating the 115 years of our people, Catalina was feted for being unique immigrant.

Along with his granddaughter and goddaughter Marita.

with family organizers saw to it that is a very emotional party to Catalina. History is represented theatrically of his life.
In the photo she is seen with children, nephews, grandchildren, great grandchildren, ...

And here the girls who represented Catherine, his sister and mother in the play ...

Catherine's 88th birthday ...

And next July 19 is the number 89 ... Many blessings to her!