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Jimbe high Andean lagoons are over 15. All are located above 4300 meters. Three systems are clearly defined: 1) System Cátac Huiru channel formed by the gaps Hatun flee, Tocanca, Cappadocia and Coñocranra, 2) Huampucayán system consists of three lagoons, 3) Kill System, consisting of Mamancocha, Quepancocha Chopincocha and, in this system is located Mellizococha, Pintadacocha, Carhuacocha and Tsaquicocha.
Coñocranra . It is the western lagoon Huiru Cátac Canal system. Is located more than 4300 meters. Is about, 120x350 m. In the lagoon remains a reservoir preinca Coñocranra, built with large rocks. Used as a mud mortar with appropriate physical properties to provide waterproofing and flexibility to the structure, and resistance to extreme temperatures, like joints of latex. This one channel reservoir about 60 cm high by 80 cm wide, which is attached to the channel Cátac Huiru. In its waters grow green and brown algae, and the Cushuro (algae ovoid shaped by a gel-coated by a membrane, are edible.) The maximum depth is 3 meters. The population of trout, rainbow variety, does not exceed 20 cm, given the scarcity of nutrients, so when the outlet flow increases, leaving the lagoon and down the river Carhuamarca to levels close to the city of Jimbe; here gain more weight and size, providing seasonal fishing fans. In the surroundings you can spot deer in the wild. The gaps in this area are part of the territory of the Community of Carhuamarca. Gelding
. Located at 4400 meters above the lake level Coñocranra be found at the roadside maintenance of hydroelectric power plants, is about 100 x 300 m.
Tocanca . Located some 500 m of Cappadocia, and 80 m high, is very close Tocanca Pass (4665), the highest point of the road, before moving to the Callejon de Huaylas.
flee. (Tuna blah) is the larger lake district (1000 x 400 m). In 1998, a project for damming promoted by the Board Nepeña users. In 2007, in the Ancash Regional Participatory Budget, included an integrated project including gaps flee, Tocanca, Cappadocia and Coñocranra, joined by a collector channel (channel simile preinca Huiru Cátac). Your drain holes out to the ravine Carhuamarca, which at this level is called Tocanca river. The area where the rivers converge Tocanca, flee and Coñocranra Tinco called, which in Quechua means "union of rivers." This area is a plateau with pastures, ideal for raising llamas. Indeed, the Commonwealth of Carhuamarca held one time a herd of 300 alpacas, there are very few of those today. Ichiko
flee. Of this gap is born longest canal district, 14 km, which irrigates the fields of Taullishpampa. This channel has been built with community work. Two lagoons
more Soccos and Mata-mata are located at lower altitude on the Cerro Torre.
Huampucayán . Its waters are used by communities Pears and many, located immediately in the course of the river which rises in the gap. While this gap receives tributaries from other 3 or 4 small lakes located at a level higher than that. The lake has recently been dammed Huampucayán by these communities, thanks to a draft Foncodes and community management.
Kill System
Mamancocha . It is the larger lagoon system gaps kill, with 800x300 m. Mamancocha means "lake mother. "Farmers in the area have built a dam 12 m high. A project of the district municipality provides weatherproof synthetic membrane. In 2007 the immediate users of the waters of this lake rose in turn to make repairs, strengthening your retaining wall. Inside the lake behind the dam peinca original, which is visible in the months of November and December, when the waters fall to its lowest level. As with other high Andean lagoons, serves as a step etre for migratory birds, most notably a white body and red wings, colors like those of the Peruvian flag. The small population of trout attracts anyway to local fishermen, given the scarcity of nutrients the maximum size of individuals is 20 cm.
Quepancocha . Means "back gap", but actually is the first of three lakes, which are distributed along this canyon altoandino. Its wall has been built by the inhabitants of the adjacent hamlets Huashcayán, Cochapetí, Tara, and Ching COLCAP.
Chopincocha . Means "lake of the way", is an artificial wall.
Pintadaccha . It owes its name to the waters change color depending on time of day that you observe.
Mellizococha . Two mirrors are linked by a tunnel within the rock, hence its name "twin lakes".
Carhuacocha . It is a small dam located at 4200 m 20x50 m above the land of the Commonwealth of Aliso "Very. Its dike is 2.5 m in height and pre-Inca construction.
Tsaquicocha . Currently there are in this place a great plain, the result of the clogging of an ancient lake. Hence its name in Quechua-cocha tsaqui "or laguna seca. Men mine exploded nearby as Juana Rosa plans to use the landing field. A remnant of the lake, with a mirror 30 m in diameter, is located a few hundred meters from the higher plain. Channel
Huiru Cátac . Part of the lagoon system is the high Andean Cátac Huiru Channel. This channel represents a formidable stone work of the ancient inhabitants jimbeños. Was designed to move water westward toward Lacramarca Valley. Is ignored if it came to work, further studies will give birth to the respective owner. The channel was born, apparently in the lagoon would flee, and received tax waters Tocanca gaps and Cappadocia. Andean terrain runs through 35 km to Mount Corona, Aguaquita near where it could be drained to the gully by Tiny and continue their journey towards coastal areas. But, most likely about his aims had been built to feed the rich land on Lampanín scratch and relying on reservoirs along the route. The line of the channel is visible to the naked eye. Special mention a stretch of 60 m on the hill Huiru Cátac, which has built a wall about five feet, with stone slate on the wall passes the canal, with the evident purpose of maintaining the current level. When in 1964 he built the road hidroléctrica network maintenance, this wall was cut by machine to pass the road, that injury is visible archaeological visitor as a faithful witness to the strength of our ancestors. A few meters around there is also another section where the channel passes over a mjuro. In the 70's, an engineer named Villafana studied, wrote a book and compiled footage promoting a water project that could exploit the online channel.
Creating new ponds
There are several streams suitable for the creation of new high Andean lagoons. Obviously if we did not know the current dam, how presume to open up. But the water scarcity that lies ahead, gives us the certainty that very soon something big will happen up there, where they collect the water that provide life to the underlying valleys. When the visitor passes through those quiet places, he immediately assailed the idea of \u200b\u200ba new dam there. The streams that the author of this blog has visited and which are apparent to create new gaps are as follows (see map):
Cushuro . This stream is located 800 m from the lagoon Tocanca, the roadside maintenance of power lines. If you build a rustic dam 4 m in height could be achieved by a reflecting pool of 80 x 350 m, in excess of 100 000 m3. Kill
. At the same creek in which there are three artificial lakes and may be new reservoirs, but smaller. There are at least two spaces available for creating new mirrors approx 60 x 100 m. The three existing lagoons make up the system Kill. We believe that the same strength of the first builders will enable the creation of new mirrors. In fact, the beneficiary communities, stationed in the areas underlying the lagoons, have been making improvement works in recent times. It's amazing the adversity they have faced (and have not been there to document it!): They have had to transport sand and cement on a donkey at a great distance and uphill through a rough road, then have had to perform their tasks by manipulating water and ice in the open field without protective gear, then had to spend the night on a hard bed for the freezing nights of the highlands, and on top of adversity, without government support, hamstrung by their own bureaucratic requirements (but that can be expanded in a separate topic.) This feat is only possible thanks to the community spirit of the people of the area.
Carhuacocha . This creek is located between the two peaks known as Flerypunta. There are a couple of small lakes to name yet unspecified (by the author of this paper ahem). For convenience, we apply here the generic name for the area, as contained in the Charter National Geographic, Carhuacocha (not to be confused with the lake of the same name mentioned lines above.) Well, here no room for major reservoirs. [A site visit is pending, or better if someone comes forward and we can transcribe your report].
Huampucayán . The largest gap at the bottom of a lagoon system, similar to the kill (only in reverse, as in killing larger gap is at higher altitude than the other). In this area, Huampucayán, there are several lagoons tax. The idea is to make dams to increase their mirrors, and put small tubs everywhere to collect rainwater. Ichiko
flee. Of similar shape and potential of Huampucayán.
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