Let Tocanca. Adventure Cycling 2009
Cordillera Negra - Peruvian Andes, 5181 meters
January 1927. The trip will be held from 30 April to 7 May, the month of flowers in the Andes. Is a non-competitive event. For details about the preparations for revising the map or contact Ed Pax (vueltadetocanca@hotmail.com).
The objectives of non-competitive bicycle tour "Tour of Tocanca"
* Strengthen public attention to the Andean Corridor project.
* Propose to the tourism sector collective a new route and new destinations.
* Evaluate initial criteria for the organization of an extreme sports competition, called "Return of Tocanca 2012."
* Raise interest documentary information (video, audio, photos and waypoints) and dissemination.
* Encourage growing sport in the local youth.
The adventure is through the mountain bike, cross Tocanca Pass (4665 m), visiting 13 districts in 2 provinces of the Ancash Region. And, in an intermediate time, make the climb the highest mountain in the Andes, the Coñocranra (5181 m). Then down the Callejon de Huaylas and cross the Canyon del Pato impressive, with vertical walls 12 m apart and that rise over 300 m high. It will travel over 300 miles and will cross all ecological zones from the seashore to the snowy Coñocranra.
Full path of the "Return of Tocanca" described every day. The map can zoom in or out, you can move left / right / up / down, and you can toggle the view of place names for visibility. View further
be an extreme event, but just go to step walk. Participate in the Tour six people, not necessarily young, not necessarily strong. In the ascent on foot to the top ten people involved. That incorporate up to last moment, you are welcome, but better coordinate before. Contact: vueltadetocanca@hotmail.com .
Participate in a range of these activities:
1. Mountaineering
On Saturday May 2, 2009, will make the ascent to the highest peak in the Cordillera Negra, the Coñocranra, 5181 m. Mount Coñocranra be seen from the coast, especially from the toll booth and from Huambacho Vesique, San Jacinto and Nepeña, but from Chimbote also sees him in days especially clear. Is distinguished by the reflection of snow. From the top of this peak provides the stunning Andean scenery and diverse in the 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees around, d ela follows: West, we are surprised the profile of the coast and the curvature of horizon. To the east, the Cordillera Blanca in its entirety. Standing in the natural setting stage from which to admire the highest peaks of Peru, especially Huascaran (6768 m.), Santa Cruz, champagne, Huandoy, and even the Yerupajá. Between the two mountain ranges, draw up the river Santa, who gives life to the Callejon de Huaylas and then makes a deep cut to the Cordillera Negra, giving rise to the Canyon del Pato, to finally address the Peruvian sea.
To participate in this promotion you must get to the lake the day before, to go out the next night. A ride pass will come in 4 hours at most. The locals can do it in hours. We chose a full moon because there are those who made the way to the lake on foot from Carhuamarca and scratch (and that still need to coordinate with those of Recuaybamba). If you are motivated to participate requested the instruction, with stalls, equipment and supplies you need to prepare.
2. Mountainbiking
Thursday, April 30, 7 am. Tour rider Cordillera Tocanca's return, "4665 m. Path joining the following points: Jimbe - Anguy (Rayan) - Coñocranra (Tocanca) - Santo Toribio - Huaylas - Mato - Huallanca - Yuracmarca - Chuquicara - vinz - Rinconada - Santa - Coishco - Chimbote - Jimbe. Cross over three hundred miles in seven days, between the sea and the mountains (see map).
The route: FIRST DAY, Thursday, April 30: Departure from Jimbe, ascending Nepeña River Basin to the village of Rayan, where we overnight. SECOND DAY, Friday May 1: From Coñocranra Rayan to the lake. THIRD DAY, Saturday, May 2, 4 am: Intermediate. Climb to the top of Coñocranra. FOURTH DAY, Sunday, May 3. We pedaled uphill to the farthest point and high Nepeña River basin, crossing the Tocanca Pass, 4665 m. Paperback follow the road keeping power lines. So begins the descent to the Callejon de Huaylas territory of Santo Toribio , Is lowered by an elevator as a dramatic yet always with the Cordillera Blanca in front of us. Overnight in Huaylas, where it gets to repair bicycles. Fifth Day, Monday 4: Be part of the city of Mato, dode we stop for a guided tour through the Callejon de Huaylas in mobility own to Huaraz. Overnight or Caraz Mato. SIXTH DAY, Tuesday, May 5: Santa will accompany the river for two days until it reaches the Peruvian sea. This day pass through the Callejon de Huaylas, the impressive Pato Canyon (wonderful, including its 46 tunnels and the gravel road) and people Yuracmarca up Chuquicara, spend the night. SEVENTH DAY Wednesday, May 6: From Chuquicara the road is paved the way outlined in the light of the intakes of Chinecas and Chavimochic. Go past the towns of Vinz, Rinconada, Santa, Coishco and finally arrived at Chimbote. EIGHTH DAY, Thursday, May 7: We went to Jimbo, arrival. (The Google map is more detailed, clicking on the blue markers).
Background: In 2006 we had a very stimulating experience: 11 boys covered Jimbe-Chimbote route in 6 hours. In 2007, Feast 3 riders came Chimbote, also in 6 hours. In September 2007, with three boys in the promotion of 88 050 IE of Jimbe, we slice Rayan-Chimbote, crossing the Cordillera Negra. This section is equivalent to 3 / 4 of the trip that we do now.
Thanks to: Carlos Pizarro Manrique for the donation of a tent for 4 people and a sleeping mountain Chauca Arecio Carranza for providing a GPS useful tool for getting data in altitude and coordinates of the places visited. If you want to know other ways to contribute in this adventure, please email .
To register or request more information, click on the word "comments" below in the next paragraph, and leave your email address in the dialog box that appears. Choose "Name / URL". Or, write to us Edmundo Paz: vueltadetocanca@hotmail.com. Welcome to the adventure.
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