Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Schwinn Srb1800 Manual


"History is not only done some players, it's all the people, men and women of a community who are sowing anonymously ... with their actions ..." Tabor SM

The cooperative was vital for the development of SANTO DOMINGO, District 16,619.21 hectares located in the Department Las Colonias, in the dairy country's largest. By this movement

be able to break the isolation and helplessness of the farmers against the so-called convenience stores, the gatherers and monopolies, which permanently postponing their aspirations for progress.

The three Cooperatives of our people: SANTO DOMINGO AND SARITA LIMITED LIMITED NORTH SANTO DOMINGO, and the third limits, increasing day by day the number of partners and therefore the dairy farmers and liters of milk.

As a natural consequence of solidarity between producers and convinced that it was economically appropriate in the year 1981 saw the merger of three cooperatives are united under the name of the oldest.

Overcoming great difficulties, the entrepreneurial spirit of cooperatively organized field man, not simply confined its action to the local level of its parent. The challenges are increasing and also called for further commitments.

Thus began to emerge the first federations of cooperatives or cooperative unions as they were called initially.

Tambera The first federation was the Cooperative Union Ltd. San Carlos, in the town of Esperanza, the Cooperativa de Santo Domingo surrendered his production.

Ten years after Butter Factory was born "SANCOR" Sunchales Area, also of Santa Fe province, formed by the union of small dairy farmers cooperatives.

In 1982 the Cooperative SANTO DOMINGO AND SARITA LIMITED, convened a meeting of partners and at that meeting, decided to give the production SANCOR.

A number of dairy farmers did not agree with the majority decision and opted for other factories that had emerged at that time, such as SANTA ROSA, MILKAUT, Paulina ...

In the first part of the 90's, Our area experienced the greatest boom in milk production. The number of dairy farms in Santo Domingo was a hundred and thirty-six, ... are now thirty-seven.

The dairy industry has lost competitiveness since 1999. At the time of production typical of the region was less affected, it appeared the new technology model, and did the soy boom.

Small producers were low profitability, were obliged to decide: either continued with a small settlement that ended unprofitable in economic loss, or land rented to others who had more capital earning higher returns. It is clear

what was the choice, they had no alternative except to those who made decisions relying on his strength, and fighting it worked out.

is currently happening, the exodus continues. Who has a chance to tour the field is with a lot of abandoned houses, vacant and surrounded by grasslands, home owners should have left looking for some work to enable them to live decently, or rented and rest in some urban housing.


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