Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oragan Doaner Braslet


A historical document. The daguerreotype by Albert Sands Southworth and Josiah Johnson Hawes, which shows William Morton and John Warren operating on a patient anesthetized with sulfuric ether at Massachusetts General Hospital (1847).

just surprised
Aloysius generous with his latest gift, a DVD copy of "big time", directed by Preston Sturges in 1944, in which Joel McCrea gave life to the American dentist William Morton . It was the September 30, 1846 when the dentist getting a tooth removed without pain to the patient Eben Frost, inaugurating the era of dental anesthesia. In key comedy, the film's plot revolves around the discovery of sulfuric ether as an anesthetic and the conflict generated between Morton and society of the time the patent as finding capital.
Seeing this film again has made a film about a curious coincidence of fashionable issues in public health, the use of generic drugs marketed after the patent has expired original brand.
force in Spain is Law 29/2006 of 26 July, on guarantees and rational use of medicines and medical devices which clearly states that the generic may not be marketed until they have passed 10 years from the date of the initial authorization of the reference product. In other words, the product patent for a novel chemical entity, a drug in this case represents the time during which the laboratory can exclusively exploit discovered the patented product, in practice the absence of market competition.
The issue is its complexity, since the pharmaceutical industry needs patent protection for profits are able to cover the increased expenditure incurred during the research, development and promotion of each drug. Otherwise, there would be no business, and it is clear that the engine is undoubtedly associated medical research to private. However, critics insist that only research laboratories las líneas patológicas rentables, como el cáncer o la obesidad, por ejemplo, abandonando a su suerte a enfermedades minoritarias por su baja incidencia o por afectar a colectivos desfavorecidos que no pueden sufragarse la medicación, como la enfermedad de Chagas o la tripanosomiasis africana, más conocida como enfermedad del sueño.
El vencimiento de las patentes farmacológicas pudiera representar un sistema de protección antimonopolio. La porfía de William Morton consistía en evitar que otros médicos pudieran utilizar también el éter sulfúrico para anestesiar a los pacientes. Afortunadamente cambió de opinión, al compadecerse de una indefensa muchacha on the verge of an operating room, when he would be subjected without anesthesia to a painful operation. On another occasion, speak of the compassionate use of drugs. Because in this fascinating world of medicine is not all business and greed. Fortunately.


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