Thursday, April 28, 2011

Football Player Jockstrap Lines


Last week I discovered Twitter a story that caught my attention powerfully. He came to tell us that 52% of patients who suffered a childhood cancer consider this experience as positive, compared with 24% that they labeled as negative. These percentages are not negligible, since at present the rate of cure of this disease is approximately 80% in overall figures.
I do not like to see children Malito. Not even for a cold, let alone serious illness. Trying to find more information, I found the tables of survival of small cancer in Spain and I got a pleasant surprise. Between 1980 and 1984, a time when I myself was a student more than the Faculty of Medicine, Santiago de Compostela, the survival rate for all childhood cancers after 5 years have elapsed since diagnosis was barely 54%. However, between 1997 and 2000 this figure had increased to 74%.
tumors remained the most common leukemia, with 23% of the total, followed by the central nervous system tumors, with 18%, and lymphomas, with 13%. But what were the causes justificabann a 20% increase in childhood cancer survival from the start of the 80's to late 90's? "Pediatricians and Oncologists most qualified?," More effective treatments?, "Substantial progress in early diagnosis?," Better health status of children in general?, "Best food?," Most modern hospitals? ... Possibly a combination of the above.
English cinema has not been maintained regardless of the suffering child, and little by little have been jumping to the big screen stories starring young cancer patients, from the bare "4th Floor" (Antonio Mercer, 2003), who tucked his antics hospital under the banner of no we are lame, we Cojonudos, through the award-winning "The Way" (Javier Fesser, 2008), based on the true story of a girl who is faced with a devastating cancer serenity neurological to the most current and "Live Forever" ( Gustavo Ron, 2010), in which a 12-year-old wants to conquer the world while battling leukemia or "flying train" (Paco Torres, 2011), in which a mother loses hope that her daughter can beat leukemia.
In "Letters to God" ( Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, 2009) , a child with terminal cancer, he wrote letters to a God who does not believe, but it helps to accept death as an inevitable part of life. Little angel hurt.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Welcome Church Greetings


We climbed steep Santomé to castro. Hardly anyone dares the old Roman road. We crossed the forest of oak, madrone, pine and laurel, which is hidden even say a cova dos Mouros . At 81 years, Adela tells of the legends he met through his grandmother - "says that the berries were beautiful" ...

During the Civil War, in that same cave that connects the mountain with the edge of the canvas, hid the defeated to prevent reprisals by the victors. Damn fratricidal conflict.

We peered into the ravine from which you can hear the sound of swirling Xigante pots. Stubborn rocks and rough waters are carving the rugged landscape as time has stopped in the branches of trees. How difficult it is to live today within the walls knocked down and abandoned roads this splendid environment, only few kilometers from the capital of Ourense.

In Mende, near the spa abandoned, bushes and vines have gradually taken over the old road leading to the springs. The water smells of sulfur and peppermint countryside. Javier, the oldest of all, remember how old the patients came to wash their sores and wounds in those thermal waters.

An abandoned vineyards flanking us. Murmur puddles. In a rotten beam, a ball of moss and leaves the nest reveals a CARRIZA . Suddenly, the rain has stopped and then the light in the morning of Holy Thursday reopened between the leafy corridor that we have gone through ...

Where Are Chetna And Prithvi

rationalist optimism

Knowing my love of reading, just give me the generous Aloysius a book entitled "The sound optimistic," the prolific Matt Ridley. A few years ago I meet this exceptional communicator thanks to another of his works, "Genome."

Good old Ridley, PhD at Oxford and media partner as prestigious as "The Economist" has written an essay dealing with arguments founded down to the classic maxim of asserting that any past was better.

Perhaps misled by the wave of economic and social pessimism that seems to continue flooding our lives, I noticed a few lines of the book in which the author claims that our fellow contemporaries, broadly live much better than their ancestors.

In one of his opening paragraphs we read that the availability of products to buy in New York or London is ten thousand million, a dizzying figure that just a century ago would be unthinkable. What will happen then in 100 years?

But despite increasingly have better ultrasounds, vitamins, ambulances, vaccinations, surgeries, pain, hospitals, insulin, water treatment, antibiotics ... hundreds of millions of human beings not able to pass the longevity their parents or grandparents. We are in awe of the magnitude of a collective misfortune, as recently occurred in Japan or Haiti in the past very close, but lacks many everyday people are the price to pay for the constant evolution of the human species on this planet.

For Ridley, Darwinian natural selection is not restricted to the purely genetic, but rather concerns ideas. A final paradox, because although the ideas reside in the brain, the brain of a man or a modern woman does not differ much in size and composition of our ancestors with the Neanderthals. Yes it does, in my humble opinion, in its structure, the number of neural interconnections stimulated without truce by the world around us. The phone is an invention that has lived with us for several decades. However, its mere existence facilitated the invention and development of Internet, an information highway through which every day we come into contact with millions of records with lots of ideas and opinions that make up a collective and cumulative human intelligence.

To progress further, our mission is to ensure that future generations can enjoy the wonders we have today and that will certainly come in the future. May we be optimistic, but rational.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Att Uverse Deleted Recordings


Me pregunta intrigado Aloysius si es verdad que ya estamos tocando con los dedos la medicina del futuro. Tal vez se haya quedado impresionado por un avance que comentábamos el otro día, aquel capaz de convertir células madre de la médula ósea de una mujer en espermatozoides.
Metidos de lleno en la reprogramación celular, un equipo de científicos Americans belonging to the Salk Institute for Biological Studies (La Jolla, California) has succeeded in turning skin cells into neurons of schizophrenic patients. As if that were little so great feat, really important study was the finding that these neurons "skin" have an innate deficit to establish connections among themselves, exactly what happens to the neurons 'original' of schizophrenic patients . In addition, these scientists have gotten reveal which genes are involved in the genesis of this disease.
cherish in my home a copy of the documentary "1% Schizophrenia" directed by Ione Hernandez and produced by Julio Medem, a physician and filmmaker. The title refers to the percentage of the population may be suffering the psychiatric illness, certainly one of the most investigated in the history of medicine. The experts interviewed were discussing the possible etiology of the disease, existing supporters and social psychological theories, and others who were favored by purely biological reasons. The latter relied on the progress made in treating the disease with various psychotropic drugs. Also left to hear, loudly, the voice of patients and their families. Some patients, while recognizing significant improvements in their daily lives, complained bitterly about the unpleasant side effects of your medication.
The endorsement by the genetic hypothesis on the origin of the disease may allow in a near future we want the development of personalized drugs that can correct defects in the neurons by acting on genes and increasing its capacity to interconnect.
similar jobs induced pluripotent cells, capable of becoming any other body, being carried out with different neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's. We look forward to the jump of this wildly innovative techniques from the pipettes, microscopes and laboratory benches to the therapeutic arsenal surely soon will drive as doctors.
In a novel line of research also based on the effects of growth hormone (GH) as a neurotrophic factor at the neurological level, as well as stimulating revascularization and myocardial remodeling, we are working in Galicia in the Project Foltran, very close to home. And remember that 300 years ago, F. William Robertson wrote: "There is a past that is gone forever, but the future is still ours. " Hopefully.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Green Skin After Shaving


My daughter Valentina and our dog Lucky's have fallen asleep on my bed. Deep. Attenuated down the hall, ring the Goldberg Variations. "Sleep Powder?. I'm reading the misfortunes of cosmonaut Komarov. And it gives me an infinite courage. For him. By Laika.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Players That Wore The Number 24


good place to learn ...

image illustrating this post was taken at the railway station in Florence. Belongs to a campaign to encourage donation.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fishy Discharge And Sore Nipples

Emerged from the sea Jimbe

By attending our day to day to get bread and shelter or to conquer a new social and economic status, in short, to bring the everyday life of all flesh, we ignore the transcendent aspects of our lives and history of peoples general. Sean
enabling these lines to approach a little to the great reality that transcends us. Especially the reality of where, when and how of our land. Jimbe
Where? When Jimbe? How Jimbe? ... (Heh, this philosophy is half out).
is that the land of our birth, located at 1200 m altitude (for those of that old town jimbeño) or 2800 m (for those of Cochapetí, for example), this land is sacred to us today was once under the sea ... But that was long long ago. The truth is that Jimbe emerged from the sea. Recognize this, it is part of our identity.
Let me tell you how it was. You've heard of the tectonic plates that are moving to the continents. Well, one of these is called the South American Plate, which began to emerge from the seabed as a result of its own pressure. Of course, if the plate is pushing in one direction, and there is resistance to where pushed, then this plate is twisted-through-earthquakes, you are ridges and folds, which later will be called valleys and mountains. All this, in a slow slow process, thousands of years of intense seismic activity. Earthquakes were first who made Jimbe emerge from the waters. Tiny tremors, and all this only after we settle ourselves, such fragile beings.
Now we see the great spine of the Andes emerging and gaining altitude. But the South American plate pushes hard and tighten. So much pressure inside is heated, it melts and it happens a time intensely volcanoes. Such lava volcano Jimbe show that since Yahuarpampa until everything is Flerypunta land vomited material for thousands of years, leaving a crust of volcanic rock about 4 km thick. Close your eyes and see how Kill volcanoes, Graffiti, and Tocanca Huampucayán roar day and night, and the lava solidifies and mountain climbing, and more lava and the higher the mountain.
finally extinguished volcano and its craters were formed later blessed Andean lagoons that store rainwater, which give life to the valley Nepeña and give us much hope for the days of water shortages ahead.
As they went extinct volcanoes threw dust and ashes. The red earth of the mountains above 1300 m of altitude are of volcanic origin as well. The red earth of Pukairca, around the lagoon Wiri, are an expression of the extinct volcano last in the area.
So Jimbe was ascending. As you read this you're still looking as Jimbe emerges from the sea, then how will future black mountains rising at the point of lava, and on top of the show telluric thick layers of sand and red earth on the rocky mantle. Earthquakes and volcanoes formed our earth preparing it for us to habitásemos.
What comes next is easier to nature. Just a matter of installing an ingenious system of water recycling whereby sea water rises as clouds to the mountain area and discharges up as rain.
Also this phase is colossal, but a matter of time; and exactly what time it is time to spare. With patience then the rains were filling the cracks in the rock, were laying the red earth. Recent floods hit the real mountains. Colossal landslides swept hills and slopes, forming streams everywhere.
At the end of the landslides lay down near the sea, filling the last broken. Moro, San Jacinto, Huambacho, Samanco are settled on a vast landfill of more than 200 m deep. Within this fill pockets the groundwater low range.
Jimbe, in turn, was part of the fill. When excavated soil found jimbeño boulder-chung-around caliber. A geological section of these ages is represented didactically in Cacapaqui (the boardwalk Spring). There we see the main rock rising from the bridge about 200 m to Huanca Agustín Castro. The pier is in a sharp ridge of alluvial fill. Did you see? Many landslides have shaped our home.
Earthquakes, volcanoes and floods shaped our land.
A long process does not fit into our understanding except in broad strokes. More is enough to become aware of the mighty forces who went to our home is built.
The next time I go for my country, sure I'll see her with more respect, affection and gratitude.

Women jimbeña
When the sea came Jimbe

Andes brought with your name engraved.
earthquakes, rain and volcanoes were formed

him and there you were. And in the meantime that people
strong and prosperous

footprint left in the stones. Your
lineage was debugged, the best seed

navigate your belly.
you one of many living history

village with great past.
who makes you prosperous and strong
these people who are
its clear destination.

(Sevilla, October 2008) Competition

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mucous Plug In Early Misscarriage

The cat dreams that she is dreaming of white cat sleeping peacefully on a bed in which a woman lie and white cat.

Bio Ap Lab 8 Hardy-weinberg Problem 2


My daughters are very concerned about the end of the world. And is that the magnitude of the catastrophe Japan recently has awakened from its slumber gloomier predictions on the fate of mankind. Games Sudoku ingenious figures considering the day, month and year of the attacks on the Twin Towers, combinations with the date of the devastating earthquake and tsunami Japanese, the semi-final Mayan calendar announcing ... everything seems to match Armageddon.
Some already have a birthday we've been able to survive other days of the end of the world that certain prophets of terror and disappointment had already announced during the past century. History has taught us infinitely more terrible disasters that the cataclysm Japanese, several world wars, the Holocaust, the extinction of the dinosaurs, the explosion of the atomic bomb ... literature and film are full of works committed to rid the face of the earth any trace of the human race. Maybe we're not happy with us them with our past and the legacy we will leave to future generations.
What does seem clear is that the tragedy of Fukushima has reached the end of time for nuclear energy, at least as we have been exploiting to the day.
In biology, some experts think that the possibility of improving the human genome will on this planet the development of a new breed of men and women who will be born free of diseases and physical capabilities mental and empowered to unsuspected limits today.
cloning animals (Dolly the sheep) was a turning point in human reproduction. On May 29, 2005 published in The Region an article entitled "The Battle of the Amazons" in which he speculated with the disappearance of males in a future world where cloning techniques enabled women to men did not need to perpetuate the species.
In 2008, British scientists at the University of Tyne (Newcastle) managed to transform stem cells from bone marrow of a donor sperm. The improvement of this technique allow progress in the treatment of infertility. But if natural sperm, from the male, can perfectly interchangeable with those obtained from other stem cells female, what does the future hold?

My daughters have been quieter because the end of the world as the "Sovereign" is a guy thing.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

N150 Belkin Usb Ubuntu Driver


We take this classic aphorism about the law in general to introduce a series of brief reflections on health policy and pharmaceutical expenses. Picking up a number of recycling containers of expired drugs at home, the other day I pointed all this fuss Aloysius which is assembled with generic drugs may be fix with a new national law on the subject.
As I know its effort reader I have sent to the Official State Bulletin, and more specifically to the Law 29/2006 of 26 July, on guarantees and rational use of medicines and medical devices text in the first 20 lines and its preamble makes clear what the role of physicians in all these questions: " is a central figure in the strategies for promotion of quality pharmaceutical services, given the role attributed to him in care of the patient's health, and therefore, prevention and diagnosis of disease and in prescribing, where necessary, drug treatment. "
The same law stated in Article 8, the generic definition of " Anyone who has the same qualitative and quantitative principles assets and the same pharmaceutical form and whose bioequivalence with the reference medicinal product has been demonstrated by appropriate bioavailability studies. The different salts, esters, ethers, isomers, mixtures of isomers, complexes or derivatives of an asset is considered the same active substance, unless they differ significantly in properties with regard to safety and / or efficacy. The different forms of immediate release oral dosage is considered a single dosage form. The applicant may be exempted from filing bioavailability studies can demonstrate that the generic drug meets the relevant criteria defined in the appropriate detailed guidelines . "
most heated discussions among experts focus precisely on the definition of bioavailability, pharmacokinetic term that refers to the dose of a drug that reaches the tissue on which it conducts its business, is ie on its therapeutic target. As this calculation is virtually impossible in humans, then in practice the bioavailability is considered the percentage of drug that appears on the patient's plasma.

Therefore, some medicines, whether branded or generic, depending also on the excipients that are vehicularizing, despite being present in the patient's blood at the same rate, may take longer or less time to reach the target organ and make its effect. If all of these add the individual variability in response to the same drug, continuous extremely tangled skein. Who will unravel? Difficult to answer. While the catalog Galician drug in the refrigerator cools the Constitutional Court by the action of the Ministry of Health in Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura, both governed by the PSOE, copy the model of Galicia. I explain.